Our mission of promise is to ensure the freedom, safety, and well-being of the herd

The WIN Wild Horse herd calls two ranches home. With one location in Ojai, California and the other in Fillmore, Utah


Our mission of promise is to ensure the freedom, safety and well-being of the WIN Western Shoshone Indian Horse Herd and other American wild horses that need our help using a formula of Accountability + Compassion to make certain that these horses WIN.

The horses that are under the umbrella of WIN whether they are on our ranch in California or Utah, never know thirst, hunger, or fear. They are allowed freedom of choice, freedom to walk, freedom to run, to eat a blade of grass if they choose and clearly while we can not replicate their life on the open range they have the best life possible on almost 3000 acres .When it rains and the wind blows, they have shelter, when the sun shines, they have freedom to feel it warm their backs, roll, and play at their leisure or seek the shade from a tree , they have choices which were taken away from them in some of most of the cruel and quite frankly unnecessary methods.

At this point they may not have the freedom of hundreds and hundreds of miles to roam but they are safe and healthy until the time comes when they can return to their way of life.

Our responsibility as humans is to make the best choices we can for these Western Shoshone Indian Horses and the American wild horses that under 1971 Wild Burro and Horse Act that were supposed to be safe and secure. Our hope is that others can see and feel this need within themselves and join us on our mission to protect not only their heritage but a significant part of our American History.

At this point they may not have the freedom of hundreds and hundreds of miles to roam but they are safe and healthy until the time comes when they can return to their way of life.

Our responsibility as humans is to make the best choices we can for these Western Shoshone Indian Horses and the American wild horses that under 1971 Wild Burro and Horse Act that were supposed to be safe and secure. Our hope is that others can see and feel this need within themselves and join us on our mission to protect not only their heritage but a significant part of our American History.

At this point they may not have the freedom of hundreds and hundreds of miles to roam but they are safe and healthy until the time comes when they can return to their way of life.

Our responsibility as humans is to make the best choices we can for these Western Shoshone Indian Horses and the American wild horses that under 1971 Wild Burro and Horse Act that were supposed to be safe and secure. Our hope is that others can see and feel this need within themselves and join us on our mission to protect not only their heritage but a significant part of our American History.

The choice is all ours whether we stand up and do the right thing or stand down and be a witness.

Jean-Marie Webster

Co-Founder Wild Horses In Need

Why We Need Your Help

To feed the herd the cost averages $25 per horse/per week. Totaling $3,250 a week for the herd, this does not include worming, veterinary, and general care. So, if you quickly do the math, you can see why need help to sustain these noble herds.

Supporters of any mission in life are welcome to help wildhorsesinneed.net with their ideas, their thoughts and their passion so that maybe they can go on to save other horses in other herds throughout the western states that they currently roam.

Quick Facts About WIN

Wild Horses in Need was founded in 2004. Created out of necessity to save hundreds of horses from the horrific conditions and human cruelty inflicted by a rancher in Santa Ynez Valley, California.

The well know Sacagawea, Lewis & Clark’s personal guide, and a member of the Western Shoshone Nation obtained and selected the herd’s ancestors, to cross the high Colorado Rockies in the 1803.

The WIN Wild Horse herd calls two ranches home. With one of our horse ranches located in beautiful Ojai, California and the other ranch is located in mountains of Fillmore, Utah.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions, comments and/or suggestions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you, The WIN supporter!

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Wild Horses In Need
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Wild Horses In Need

P.O. Box 208

Ojai, CA 93024

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